Emily Lopez

BS interior design ’13


Where are you employed? Jacobs, Global Buildings Design, Raleigh, NC.

What are some of the exciting aspects of your occupation and career?
Lopez: I am very involved in all aspects of the projects we are currently working on. Two of our biggest projects in process that I am working on are very different; one being a large commercial project, the other being a local performing arts center. For the performing arts center, I was able to put my 3dsMax rendering skills to use and create a package that helped sell our design intent to the client.

What would you consider as your greatest achievement in this occupation?
Lopez: My greatest achievement is landing a job at a global A&D firm as an interior designer. It has presented me with many of the opportunities that I hoped for during my time at Drexel.

Why did you decide to choose this career?
Lopez: I have always had the idea that every space should evoke some kind of experience for its users. Whether it be a space that inspires creativity, provokes the drive to succeed, or temporarily transforms reality into something more fanciful.

Why did you choose Drexel University’s Westphal College of Media Arts and Design over similar programs?
Lopez: Drexel's reputation and co-op program brought it to the top of my list when making the decision on where to attend college.

How did your time at Drexel University’s Westphal College of Media Arts and Design prepare you for your career?
Lopez: The classes and programs at Drexel provided me with the tools I needed to apply myself in the professional world. From the computer graphics programs and the studio classes to the co-op experience, I have found that everything has somehow lent a hand in helping me to achieve what I have thus far.

How significant was your coop experience in shaping your employment?
Lopez: The co-op experience was extremely significant in shaping my employment. From the interview stage, during the experience I gained those six months, straight through to the contacts and references I made at the end. Every bit of it has been beneficial in my professional growth, to include building my resume and portfolio, making me a better candidate for employers.

Was our faculty helpful to you in making the transition from college to the professional world? Are you still in contact with them?
Lopez: The faculty was very helpful in the transition to the profession. A number of my professors offered to serve as a professional reference. I was also offered professional contact information after I made the move out of state.

What advice would you give to young people in your field who are just starting their education?
Lopez: Take the educational experience seriously. Begin your professional career in the classroom. Your professors and instructors are professionals in the field you wish to work in, so they may end up being your best asset for the connection that will get your foot in the door.